The gist of MobX lesson 1: observable & observer

So far it all might sound a bit fancy, but making an app reactive using MobX boils down to just these three steps:

1. Define your state and make it observable

Store state in any data structure you like; objects, array, classes. Cyclic data structures, references, it doesn't matter. Just make sure that all properties that you want to change over time are marked by mobx to make them observable.

import {observable} from 'mobx';

var appState = observable({
    timer: 0

2. Create a view that responds to changes in the State

We didn't make our appState observable for nothing; you can now create views that automatically update whenever relevant data in the appState changes. MobX will find the minimal way to update your views. This single fact saves you tons of boilerplate and is wickedly efficient.

Generally speaking any function can become a reactive view that observes its data, and MobX can be applied in any ES5 conformant JavaScript environment. But here is an (ES6) example of a view in the form of a React component.

import {observer} from 'mobx-react';

class TimerView extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (<button onClick={this.onReset.bind(this)}>
                Seconds passed: {this.props.appState.timer}

    onReset () {

ReactDOM.render(<TimerView appState={appState} />, document.body);

(For the implementation of resetTimer function see the next section)

3. Modify the State

The third thing to do is to modify the state. That is what your app is all about after all. Unlike many other frameworks, MobX doesn't dictate how you do this. There are best practices, but the key thing to remember is: MobX helps you do things in a simple straightforward way.

The following code will alter your data every second, and the UI will update automatically when needed. No explicit relations are defined in either the controller functions that change the state or in the views that should update. Decorating your state and views with observable is enough for MobX to detect all relationships. Here are two examples of changing the state:

appState.resetTimer = action(function reset() {
    appState.timer = 0;

setInterval(action(function tick() {
    appState.timer += 1;
}), 1000);

The action wrapper is only needed when using MobX in strict mode (by default off). It is recommended to use action though as it will help you to better structure applications and expresses the intention of a function to modify state. Also it automatically applies transactions for optimal performance.

Feel free to try this example on JSFiddle or by cloning the MobX boilerplate project

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