Creating observable data structures and reactions


At some point you might want to have more data structures or other things (like streams) that can be used in reactive computations. Achieving that is pretty simple by using the Atom class. Atoms can be used to signal MobX that some observable data source has been observed or changed. And MobX will signal the atom whenever it is used or no longer in use.

The following example demonstrates how you can create an observable Clock, which can be used in reactive functions, and returns the current date-time. This clock will only actually tick if it is observed by someone.

The complete API of the Atom class is demonstrated by this example.

import {Atom, autorun} from "mobx";

class Clock {
    intervalHandler = null;

    constructor() {
        // creates an atom to interact with the MobX core algorithm
        this.atom =    new Atom(
            // first param: a name for this atom, for debugging purposes
            // second (optional) parameter: callback for when this atom transitions from unobserved to observed.
            () => this.startTicking(),
            // third (optional) parameter: callback for when this atom transitions from observed to unobserved
            // note that the same atom transitions multiple times between these two states
            () => this.stopTicking()

    getTime() {
        // let MobX know this observable data source has been used
        // reportObserved will return true if the atom is currently being observed
        // by some reaction.
        // reportObserved will also trigger the onBecomeObserved event handler (startTicking) if needed
        if (this.atom.reportObserved()) {
            return this.currentDateTime;
        } else {
            // apparantly getTime was called but not while a reaction is running.
            // So, nobody depends on this value, hence the onBecomeObserved handler (startTicking) won't be fired
            // Depending on the nature of your atom 
            // it might behave differently in such circumstances
            // (like throwing an error, returning a default value etc)
            return new Date();

    tick() {
        this.currentDateTime = new Date();
        // let MobX know that this data source has changed

    startTicking() {
        this.tick(); // initial tick
        this.intervalHandler = setInterval(
            () => this.tick(),

    stopTicking() {
        this.intervalHandler = null;

const clock = new Clock();

const disposer = autorun(() => console.log(clock.getTime()));

// ... prints the time each second


// printing stops. If nobody else uses the same `clock` the clock will stop ticking as well.


Reaction allows you to create your own 'auto runner'. Reactions track a function and signal when the function should be executed again because one or more dependencies have changed.

This is how autorun is defined using Reaction:

export function autorun(view: Lambda, scope?: any) {
    if (scope)
        view = view.bind(scope);

    const reaction = new Reaction( || "Autorun", function () {

    // Start or schedule the just created reaction
    if (isComputingDerivation() || globalState.inTransaction > 0)

    return reaction.getDisposer();

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