Observable Objects

If a plain JavaScript object is passed to observable all properties inside will be copied into a clone and made observable. (A plain object is an object that wasn't created using a constructor function / but has Object as its prototype, or no prototype at all.) observable is by default applied recursively, so if one of the encoutered values is an object or array, that value will be passed through observable as well.

import {observable, autorun, action} from "mobx";

var person = observable({
    // observable properties:
    name: "John",
    age: 42,
    showAge: false,

    // computed property:
    get labelText() {
        return this.showAge ? `${this.name} (age: ${this.age})` : this.name;

    // action:
    setAge: action(function(age) {
        this.age = age;

// object properties don't expose an 'observe' method,
// but don't worry, 'mobx.autorun' is even more powerful
autorun(() => console.log(person.labelText));

person.name = "Dave";
// prints: 'Dave'

// etc

Some things to keep in mind when making objects observable:

  • When passing objects through observable, only the properties that exist at the time of making the object observable will be observable. Properties that are added to the object at a later time won't become observable, unless extendObservable is used.
  • Only plain objects will be made observable. For non-plain objects it is considered the responsibility of the constructor to initialize the observable properties. Either use the @observable annotation or the extendObservable function.
  • Property getters will be automatically turned into derived properties, just like @computed would do.
  • observable is applied recursively to a whole object graph automatically. Both on instantiation and to any new values that will be assigned to observable properties in the future. Observable will not recurse into non-plain objects.
  • These defaults are fine in 95% of the cases, but for more fine-grained on how and which properties should be made observable, see the modifiers section.

observable.object(props) & observable.shallowObject(props)

observable(object) is just a shorthand for observable.object(props). All properties are by default made deep observable. modifiers can be used to override this behavior for individual properties. shallowObject(props) can be used to make the properties only shallow observables. That is, the reference to the value is observabled, but the value itself won't be made observable automatically.

Name argument

Both observable.object and observable.shallowObject take a second parameter which is used as debug name in for example spy or the MobX dev tools.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""