
autorunAsync(action: () => void, minimumDelay?: number, scope?)

Just like autorun except that the action won't be invoked synchronously but asynchronously after the minimum amount of milliseconds has passed. The action will be run and observed. However, instead of running the action immediately when the values it observes have changed, the minimumDelay will be awaited before re-execution the action again.

If observed values are changed multiple times while waiting, the action is only triggered once, so in a sense it achieves a similar effect as a transaction. This might be useful for stuff that is expensive and doesn't need to happen synchronously; such as debouncing server communication.

If a scope is given, the action will be bound to this scope object.

autorunAsync(debugName: string, action: () => void, minimumDelay?: number, scope?)

If a string is passed as first argument to autorunAsync, it will be used as debug name.

autorunAsync returns a disposer to cancel the autorun.

autorunAsync(() => {
    // Assuming that profile.asJson returns an observable Json representation of profile,
    // send it to the server each time it is changed, but await at least 300 milliseconds before sending it.
    // When sent, the latest value of profile.asJson will be used.
}, 300);

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