
Returns true if the given value was made observable by MobX. Optionally accepts a second string parameter to see whether a specific property is observable.

var person = observable({
    firstName: "Sherlock",
    lastName: "Holmes"

person.age = 3;

isObservable(person); // true
isObservable(person, "firstName"); // true
isObservable(person.firstName); // false (just a string)
isObservable(person, "age"); // false


Returns true if the given object is created using


Returns true if the given object is an array that was made observable using mobx.observable(array).


Returns true if the given object is an object that was made observable using mobx.observable(object).


Takes an object, returns true if the provided object is a boxed observable. N.b. does not return true for boxed computed values.


Accepts an object and optional propertyName argument. Returns true if either:

  • The object passed in is an boxed computed property
  • If the property with name propertyName of object is a computed property.

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