
Egghead.io lesson 1: observable & observer Egghead.io lesson 4: observable objects & maps

Decorator that can be used on ES7- or TypeScript class properties to make them observable. The @observable can be used on instance fields and property getters. This offers fine-grained control on which parts of your object become observable.

import { observable, computed } from "mobx";

class OrderLine {
    @observable price = 0;
    @observable amount = 1;

    @computed get total() {
        return this.price * this.amount;

If your environment doesn't support decorators or field initializers, @observable key = value; is sugar for extendObservable(this, { key: value })

Note: all the properties are being defined lazily as soon as any of them is accessed. Before that they are only defined on the class prototype

In other words:

const line = new OrderLine();
console.log("price" in line); // true
console.log(line.hasOwnProperty("price")); // false, the price _property_ is defined on the class, although the value will be stored per instance.
line.amount = 2;
console.log(line.hasOwnProperty("price")); // true, now all the properties are defined on the instance

The @observable decorator can be combined with modifiers like asStructure:

@observable position = asStructure({ x: 0, y: 0})

Enabling decorators in your transpiler

Decorators are not supported by default when using TypeScript or Babel pending a definitive definition in the ES standard.

  • For typescript, enable the --experimentalDecorators compiler flag or set the compiler option experimentalDecorators to true in tsconfig.json (Recommended)
  • For babel5, make sure --stage 0 is passed to the Babel CLI
  • For babel6, see the example configuration as suggested in this issue

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